The unit is the technical hub of the Service. It encompasses the Project, Industries, Estates, and Inmates Technical Training & Education.
Core Functions
The unit performs the following roles among others:
- Design Residential, office & Prison Infrastructures
- Construct, retrofit, rehabilitate the building
- Introduce new technology into Prisons’ structure.
- Establish and run enterprises that produce quality products and services.
- Engage the inmate in productive works that will reduce their idleness, help defray the cost of incarceration, instill work habits, etc
- Generate revenue to make the Service self-sufficient.
- Takes inventory of all landed properties, furniture, fixtures, and equipment.
- Survey and document all Prison lands.
- Run maintenance schedules to keep Prison properties in good working conditions.
Vocational & Technical Skills Training for Inmates
- Training inmates in various vocational and technical programmes.
- Collaborate with National Vocational & Technical Institute (NVTI) for testing and certification of trainees.
- Prepare training materials for the training of the inmates.